
LeRoy Grannis 1917-2011


LeRoy Grannis is known for taking some of the most iconic surfing images of the 1960s and 70s. I photographed "Granny" at a retirement home in Carlsbad with his picture of Dewey Weber at 22nd Street in Hermosa Beach. This was one of two 20x24 Polaroids we shot. The room had a very low ceiling, so I had to pop out one of the ceiling tiles so the dark slide could come all the way up. Thanks Granny for your inspiration and your images, we will miss you.

20x24 Wisner Camera on Location

Impossible Luchador!

I was asked to shoot some new film for the Impossible Project last month for a show "Facing the Impossible", currently up in New York at The Impossible Project Gallery. I tested out the PUSH film on the SX-70 and the PX600 on my Polaroid 680. Both films are very fun and bring some analog soul to the party. Here is a button they made with one of my images. You can get them at

If you haven't checked out what The Impossible Project is doing to keep the spirit of Polaroid alive, please take a look.

Golf - Mark Calcavecchia

Here is a peek at a few shots of Calc shot for Golf. Always rewarding to see a magazine that has great design and art direction to help make my photographs shine. Mark was great work with, love it when subjects and clients just let you do "your thing".(Photo Geeks: One Large Chimera box off to the side. Canon 28-70mm.)


One of my portraits was recently used on the cover of Journeys, a guide for the International Studies Abroad program at USD. I made this image while on assignment in Jamaica for USD a few years ago. The interesting thing is that this image was made on my one day off when I hired a driver to take me around to shoot personal work. We happened upon a school near Duncans where we got out and approached a teacher about shooting a few portraits. In addition to this image I did a portrait of the entire school on the front steps.The image was lit with one large Chimera softbox illuminated by a single Canon Speedlight.

Phil Borges - Stirring the Fire

Phil BorgesI first met Phil Borges a few years back when he sat for a portrait for me. I was very familiar with his work and had always found his images to have a quiet power and beauty. We caught up a couple of weeks ago while he was in town for a lecture and show opening at USD for his Stirring the Fire project. Stirring the Fire is a global movement to empower woman and girls through awareness and action. I found myself being very inspired by this project and having a clearer understanding that a photographer with a voice, vision and purpose can help to change the world. My hat is off to Phil for his passion and for using photography to force change. Please take a look at the project site and see how you can help.

Photokina Recap

Tim as a guest on FotoTV

For years I have heard how HUGE and amazing Photokina is and I have to say that it is true. 9 giant halls packed with anything and everything related to photography. A special thanks to Guido Karp for the honor of being included as a guest speak and to the presenters of Photokina for featuring a partial exhibit of Behind Photographs. I hope we can get all of the prints there for 2011.

Steve Thornton on stage in Hall 9

Tim Mantoani workshop and lecture at Photokina 2010

Check out the segment on Photokina TV (FotoTV)

Herman Leonard - March 6, 1923 – August 14, 2010

Herman Leonard with his photograph of Dexter Gordon at the Royal Roost 1948

The work of Herman Leonard has had a great impact on the world of photography. Herman had a unique perspective and a thirst for technical perfection. Although his work was recorded in still photographs, his images often gave you a sense of sound. He will be missed dearly. Please pay him a tribute by viewing his work

On the bottom of his Polaroid portrait he wrote, "It was early 1948 at the Royal Roost in New York. An afternoon rehearsal gave me a unique opportunity to photograph many giants of jazz with my trusty 4x5 Speed Graphic. What a great career! To do what you love and be entertained at the same time!"

[Herman Leonard and Tim Mantoani

Madden 11 - Custom Xbox 360

Today is the release of Madden 11 featuring my photography of Drew Brees. Last night I received an email with these photos of a Limited Edition Xbox 360 that was made for the release. Guessing Drew is getting one of these! Here is the release tv spot that ran during last weekends Hall of Fame Game.

Wayne Gretzky - NHL Slapshot

We have been working hard the past few months and one of the projects we can now talk about is our shoot with Wayne Gretzky for NHL Slapshot. We photographed Wayne and a couple of his kids for the game box and packaging. This new Wii game from EA comes with a hockey stick that holds the "Wiimote". Although I didn't get to challenge Wayne myself during the shoot, it was fun watching him checking the kids and zigging in a few slapshots. For some reason, I don't think I would have had a chance!

A special thanks to my assistants Alisal and Andrew who not only drove the gear from San Diego to LA for the shoot with Wayne, but drove that evening to Vegas for a shoot with Randy Couture the next day.


I will be giving a webinar on with Photoshelter tomorrow titled: Focus on Your Passion: Finding Yourself in Photography. It should run about an hour and I will discuss some of the details of my personal project, Behind Photographs, shot on 20x24 Polaroid. In addition, I plan on giving some insight on how shooting personal work can help you to create a unique brand in this ever changing industry. Please check out the details at

EA Sports - MMA

I am happy to announce my latest project with for EA Sports. I had the unique opportunity to shoot Randy Couture in Las Vegas and then travel to Stary Oskol, Russia to photograph Fedor Emelianenko. Both fighters were amazing to work with and provided us with some great content. Along with fellow Brooks Institute graduate, Jeff Wiant, we shot video for the game release trailer which was announced this week at E3. Jeff edited the piece complete with a custom soundtrack by Chris Hoffee. I have to say the Canon 7D and Mark IV HD video was a blast to shoot. I will be able to release more details from the shoot soon and include some behind the scenes footage and stills. Thanks for reading.

Video Below

Remembering Marty Lederhandler

Marty Lederhandler

It is sad to see another participant from my Behind Photographs Project pass away, but I am very thankful to have shared time with so many of these great photographers. Marty Lederhandler was a legendary AP photographer who had a career which spanned 66 years. I was introduced to Marty by Paul Waldman, founder of The Living American Masters Photographers Project, just over a year ago and was able to photograph him in New York. Paul has documented photographers for about 15 years and we first met when he came to interview and photograph Dean Collins around 1993. At the time, I was Dean's studio manager. In addition to Paul shooting portraits of photographers, he has also been recording them to create an oral history of the photo industry. Please take time to listen to Marty's famous pigeon story from D-Day that Paul shared with us and visit his site at Pigeon Story

Paul Waldman with 3 of his LAMMP portraits

Remembering Charles Moore

Charles Moore

When I was a student at Brooks Institute, I vividly remember when Charles Moore came to be a guest speaker. His haunting and powerful images will be forever etched in my mind. Charles Moore used his camera to change the world. Last week Charles passed away at age 79. I had the chance to reconnect with him not long ago in New York when he sat for a portrait for my Behind Photographs project. Please take a the time to view this documentary on Charles, he deserves a small portion of your day in exchange for his lifetime of work.Thank you Charles for your time, your images and the love you have shared. You will be dearly missed.

Gold Medal Game

Congrats to Zach Parise for scoring one of the most clutch goals ever in yesterdays Gold Medal game with 24 seconds left. But it was the Canadian Team that pulled it out in OT to win the gold,  in what (in my opinion), was the highlight of the winter games.Tech Note (For Photo Geeks): Profoto head with Mola overhead on boom arm. Single strobe head on background.  Canon Mark II DS, 85mm.

Zach Parise

Dany Heatley

NFL - Playoff Weekend

AdrianPeterson15I received a request from a magazine today to pull files of all the players I had shot portraits of that are playing this weekend. Here is what I came up with. Should be great weekend of agoup b

Esquire Russia

Here is a peek at the Russian edition of Esquire Magazine that I have to say is full of amazing design and photography. They ran a series of my photographer portraits this month. Be sure to check out the contributor pic! Who is that handsome Cyborg?

Contributors Page

Mary Ellen Mark and Donna Ferrato

Marty Lederhandler and David Levinthal

Lyle Owerko and Donna De Cesare

Roberto Salas and Harry Benson

David Hume Kennerly and Roxanne Lowit

Douglas Kirkland and Nick Ut

Elliott Erwit and Jeff Widener