My Grandfather, who we affectionately called “Pal,” made his living as a carpenter for Arthur Brothers Construction in San Mateo, California. One of the few things I inherited from him was his hammer. Every time I hold it in my hand, it makes me smile and think back to the countless hours he spent with that hammer in his hand, over the lifetime of his career. He built everything; from his own home (where his bride, my 93-year-old Nana still resides) to office buildings, restaurants, a dollhouse for my sister, and even Jet’s doghouse, his beloved black lab. Pal’s hammer, like my camera, is the tool that allowed him to create his art.
A few year ago, I began purchasing hammers at swap meets, garage sales and online, realizing that each of them has a unique story to tell. As you view these hammers, look closely, listen to them speak, and let them tell you the story of their life.