
Epson: Print Your Legacy Campaign

It was an honor to work with Epson this year on their ad campaign that we shot in New York. Inspired by my Behind Photographs project, Epson hired me to photograph photographers holding one of their favorite images. It was great to reconnect with Steve McCurry, Stephen Wilkes, Mark Seliger and Lois Greenfield and photograph some new faces, including Gregory Crewdson, Jeremy Cowart, Amy Toensing, Tim Tadder, John Paul Caponigro and Monica Stevenson. Here are a few ads that have been released.

The hardest part of the shoot was watching the Epson team tear the prints into pieces at the end of the day!

Behind Photographs at The Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego.

It is an honor to have 31 of my original 20x24 Polaroids on display at the MCASD in La Jolla until 1/10/16. This is the first time these original Polaroids have been shown in public.

Behind Photographs is a project that I spent 5 years working on with 4 different 20x24 Cameras. Shoot across the United States, I documented over 150 photographers on this format. Please check out our store to see our book from this project.

P3 Portugal: Behind Photographs

We have been thrilled with the recent press on Behind Photographs that is flooding in from around the globe. Here is one from Portugal, although we are not sure what it says! Check out the store section of our site if you are interested in getting a copy of this historical project.

EA SPORTS MADDEN15: Behind the scenes.

I am happy to share some behind the scenes footage and images of my sixth EA Sports, Madden cover shoot. This year, the fan vote came down to Cam Newton and Richard Sherman. We had both uniforms on hand, only finding out on ESPN who the winner was just 30 minutes prior to the shoot.

The total shoot time was about thirty minutes. Richard Sherman was easy to work with and even shook every hand in the building at the end with a "thank you". 

It takes a large crew to pull off these shoots, so thanks to everyone that contributed to making it happen!

Mountain West Class of 2013: Where are they now?

Last year we had the chance to shoot some print work with Loma Media for The Mountain West Conference. I took a peek and found out that 16 Mountain West players were drafted into the NFL for this season. I wish these guys the best and look foreword to watching them this season.

More soon on this years Mountain West shoot and the TV spot we shot and produced.



I am honored be involved and speaking at ARTExpo LIVE. Things kickoff next week.

ArtExpo LIVE : Thursday JUN 26 : 5:30-8:30PM : Wonderbread Factory Floor 2

Join artists, designers, advertisers and great friends for an intimate night of creative discussion about the DIY projects of John Purlia / Nicole Waszak and Tim Mantoani featuring a lively panel discussion. This free event will introduce #ArtExpoSD taking place during #ComicCon July 24-26 and feature prizes, networking and many area artists. (historic Wonderbread Factory located at 121 W 14th Street)

For more info, check out

SnapShot: Episode 5: Paralympians: Blake Leeper and Rudy Garcia-Tolson

I have been shooting photos for The Challenged Athletes Foundation in San Diego for close to 20 years. Two of my biggest heroes are runner, Blake Leeper, and multi event athlete, Rudy Garcia-Tolson. Rudy was the first athlete I photographed for CAF when he was seven.

Watch, be amazed, be inspired. You can see our other episodes at

SnapShot Episode Three: Civil War Tintypes

We are into our third week of our TV Show, SnapShot on KPBS. Thanks to everyone for the positive feedback and for watching. This week we visit a Civil War re-enactment in Vista, and learn about tintype photography from collodian artist, Will Dunniway. I took Will's workshop a few years back and find the process of wet plate photography amazing. SnapShot airs Thursday at 8:30 PM on KPBS. You can also watch episodes on or on Apple TV with the KPBS app.