
EA Active - More Workouts

ea active more workoutsMy photos are the on the gamebox for EA Active, More Workouts, in stores today. We shot the images in my studio a few months back. If you haven't had the chance to try EA Active, it is a killer. You have been warned about the lunges! The first time I did the workout, I figured a Wii workout couldn't be that difficult. I was seriously wrong. EA Active totally kicked my ass! Nice to see the product has done so well and the new add-on game is out for the holidays.

Behind Photographs - Opening in Brooklyn

This Friday Eve is the opening of my show in Brooklyn. It is one of the official events of Lucie Week! Thanks to The Farmani Gallery and the folks at The Lucie Foundation who have been supporters of my project and getting the word out. The show will feature 20x24 Polaroid images of 18 Lucie Lifetime Achievement winner and over 100 8x10 images. Tim-Mantoani-evite_blogI will also be shooting more 20x24 Polaroids for the project from the 19-23. Please join us on the 16th if you are in NY.

Tintypes, something old is new again.

At the beginning of the year, I enrolled in a wetplate collodion workshop with Will Dunniway ( in Corona, California. The class, which lasted two days, was a crash course on the basics of making tintypes and glass negatives. This process was invented by Fredrick Scott Archer and dates back to 1851. For the life of me, I can't believe he figured out how to make this process work. It is a time consuming process that requires you to sensitize, shoot, develop and fix the plate while it is still wet. A bit toxic, but the uncertainty of it all is magic.

I went back to work with Will again to see how I could create some tintypes of my athlete portraits and to shoot some tintypes of some model cars for a book project. Here are a few images we created.

O.J. Mayo

Darren McFadden

Deadly Comet

Dwayne Jarrett

Scott Kelby Guest Blogger

Tomorrow I will be the guest blogger at There have been some amazing and inspirational posts here in the past month, so check it out. If you haven't seen the post/film that Zach Arias posted there as the guest blogger, take the time to view it. Thanks Scott and Brad for the invite, I appreciate the opportunity.