

I was asked by a new online magazine, Sofisticati to be a part of their inaugural issue. They first became familiar with my work at my LA show for MOPLA. Take a moment to check it out, there are several other photographers featured in the issue and some very nice work.

MOPLA - Behind Photographs Exhibit - Opening Eve

Wow! Thanks to everyone that made it out for the MOPLA show for the opening, what an amazing night. The show will be up all of April and I hope to be doing a lecture at the show on the 21st, so stay tuned for an update. Check the MOPLA website for hours for the Pacific Design Center gallery B210.

Nick Ut at opening night

Douglas Kirland and Tim Mantoani

Tim Mantoani and Gerd Ludwig

MOPLA - Behind Photographs Exhibit

Thanks to the fine folks at MOPLA (Month of Photography LA) and the Lucie Foundation, I will be showing about 30 of my 20x24 Polaroid portraits of photographers at the Pacific Design Center during April. The opening reception is on April 7th from 6-9 and is open to the public. Thanks again to all of the photographers and people to have helped support this project to date. I now have over 100 photographers recorded for this project and hope to have a book out in 2010. Hope to see you in LA.