
P3 Portugal: Behind Photographs

We have been thrilled with the recent press on Behind Photographs that is flooding in from around the globe. Here is one from Portugal, although we are not sure what it says! Check out the store section of our site if you are interested in getting a copy of this historical project.

Then and Now

I received a wonderful email from Tom Zimberoff this week that included several images he shot back in the 70's of a few of the photographers in Behind Photographs. I photographed Tom in San Francisco with his fantastic photograph of Indian Larry, just weeks prior to his accidental death. I asked Tom if it would be OK to share these images on my blog and he gladly agreed. He even shared a portrait of himself shot by Douglas Kirkland in the 70's as well. Enjoy!

Howard Bingham

Douglas Kirkland

Neal Preston

Behind Photographs - NYC Book Release Party

Tim Mantoani and Douglas Kirkland

I was blown away with the group that showed up at Ogilvy to support the release of Behind Photographs. It was great to reconnect with 29 of the photographers that are in the book and a couple hundred other supporters that braved the rain and wind. Here are a few pics from the party. I should have books in San Diego soon and will be posting info on book events in San Diego, LA and San Francisco. Thanks again to everyone that has supported and encouraged me over the past five years to see this project through to publication.

JIll Enfield, Douglas Kirkland, Barbara Bordnick, Guido Karp, Greg Watermann and Dan Kramer

Roxanne Lowitt and Tim Mantoani look over a wall of images

Keith Green with his portrait

John Iacono and John Dominis

Douglas Kirkland signing books while designer Mark Murphy and Sandro catch up.

Douglas Dubler signed books

Lois Greenfield and Ryszard Horowitz

May Pang and Tim Mantoani

Guido Karp made the trip from Germany!

Thom Mangelsen checking out Al Wertheimer and "The Kiss"